Financial Aid applications are now closed.


Please note that financial aid is limited and not guaranteed to all that apply. We reserve a select few spots in every camp for financial aid recipients.

To apply for financial aid, please complete the summer program financial aid application which can be found on the same portal as registration by clicking the orange “Register Now” button or the green button below.  Submit all required paperwork to the GDS Auxiliary Programs Office by February 28. Supporting documents may be emailed or mailed to our office.

Decisions about financial aid will be made on or after March 3 and as available after that with priority given to GDS families applying for specific classes. Please note that you must apply for financial aid BEFORE completing your program registration. Financial aid will not be applied retroactively.

Due to limited financial aid, we cannot provide financial aid for the entire summer. If you are a GDS family we can provide financial aid for up to 6 weeks of programming. If you are a non-GDS family we can provide financial aid for up to 4 weeks of programming.