We want everyone to have a safe and happy summer.

When attending a camp or class at GDS, we expect that all participants will demonstrate care, respect, and responsibility at all times while with us. In addition, we expect participants to exhibit self-control, be nice to others, and follow simple instructions. To help students understand what this means, we have 4 basic rules:

  1. Be Caring: Being caring means that you will be kind to others, be a good friend, and use supplies and other materials wisely.
  2. Respect Others: To show respect you must be kind and polite to others. You should also pay attention to others as well as yourself.
  3. Take Responsibility: Taking responsibility means that you do what you are supposed to do, when you are supposed to do it, the way you are supposed to do it, and if you do something wrong you try to make it right.
  4. Participate and Try New Things: Participating means you will take part in all activities even if it might not be something you want to do.

Things that are never okay at GDS: bullying or harassment (saying mean things or hurting others), lying or not telling the truth, stealing or taking things without asking, hitting, shoving, pushing, or being mean, destroying property, possessing, using, or distributing drugs, alcohol, and/or tobacco or bringing weapons of any kind to the program.

Consequences at program: We expect that participants will demonstrate care, respect, and responsibility at all times while with us. We also expect participants to exhibit self-control, be nice to others, and follow simple instructions.
If you do not follow the rules above or have difficulty with any part of these expectations, you will be asked to take responsibility for your actions and the Auxiliary Programs team will make every effort to match the consequence to the action.

Generally speaking, we will follow this process for any inappropriate behaviors, which follows the protocol set forth in our GDS Student Handbook:

  1. You will receive immediate correction from the staff member or director, sharing both what you are not doing right and what you can do to make it right.
  2. You will receive a verbal warning and logical consequence.
  3. You will have a follow up discussion with the program director.
  4. The program director will communicate with your family and set up a meeting between the family, student, and program director to talk through continued participation in the program.

Removal from the program is a possibility depending on the severity and continuation of the behavior or action.
The program director may decide to skip some of these steps if necessary.

While we offer top-notch programs, we may not be the best program or have the right supports in place for all children, especially those requiring special medical, behavioral, or social support. Please contact us with questions about whether GDS Summer Programs offer the right experience and supports for your child. Participants who are unable to follow our rules may be asked not to continue their session or not to return in the future and refunds will not be provided.