*Please only sign up for this camp if your child can successfully ride a bike without training wheels! All campers must be at least 4 years old to participate.
This new camp offering is designed for previous Learn to Ride camp attendees and other young riders who are riding independently but could use additional instruction and practice to improve confidence, skills, and safety awareness.
Campers will spend the beginning of the week learning and practicing important skills including speed control, stopping, shifting gears, cornering and turning, ascending and descending hills, and riding in groups. As the week progresses, we’ll begin to venture off campus to practice riding as a group on nearby bike lanes, paths, and low-traffic neighborhoods.
Students will participate in bike riding for half of the camp day; with the other portion of the day including lunch, free play outside, and other activities such as arts and crafts, games, and more.
*IMPORTANT: Bike rentals are not included in the camp as we encourage riders to bring and use their own bikes.